Wet umbrella bag stands, also known as wet umbrella bag dispensers or umbrella wrapping machines, are specialized stands or machines used in commercial facilities to provide a convenient solution for managing wet umbrellas during rainy weather. They are typically found in public spaces such as office buildings, shopping malls, hotels, airports, hospitals, and other high-traffic areas.
The primary purpose of wet umbrella bag stands is to prevent floors from getting wet and slippery due to dripping umbrellas. When people enter a building during or after rain, their umbrellas are often wet, and water can accumulate on the floors, posing safety hazards and inconvenience to visitors and staff.
By placing wet umbrella bag stands at building entrances or in designated areas, facility managers aim to address this issue effectively. These stands typically consist of a sturdy base and a vertical pole, which holds a roll of plastic bags or a pack of pre-filled bags. The stands may have additional features such as a bag dispenser mechanism, waste bag compartments, and instructional signage.
When visitors arrive with wet umbrellas, they can easily access the wet umbrella bag stand and retrieve a plastic bag from the dispenser. The bag is then placed over the wet umbrella, covering it entirely. This containment prevents water from dripping onto the floor, keeping the area clean and safe for everyone.
The use of wet umbrella bag stands in commercial facilities offers several benefits:
  1. Floor Protection: The primary advantage is the protection of floors from water damage. By enclosing wet umbrellas in bags, the stands prevent water from spreading across the floor, reducing slip and fall accidents and minimizing maintenance costs associated with cleaning and drying the area.
  2. Safety: Wet floors can be hazardous, especially in high-traffic areas. Wet umbrella bag stands help maintain a safe environment by minimizing the risk of slips and falls caused by slippery floors.
  3. Hygiene: Wet umbrella bags also provide a hygienic solution, as they contain not only water but also any dirt or debris carried by umbrellas. This prevents the spread of mud, germs, or other contaminants throughout the facility.
  4. Convenience: Wet umbrella bag stands offer a convenient solution for visitors. Instead of struggling with wet umbrellas or searching for alternative storage options, individuals can easily access a bag from the stand and protect their umbrellas in a hassle-free manner.
  5. Customer Satisfaction: Providing wet umbrella bag stands demonstrates a commitment to customer service and enhances the overall experience of visitors. It shows that the facility management takes into account the comfort and safety of its patrons.
Overall, wet umbrella bag stands are used in commercial facilities to address the challenges posed by wet umbrellas during rainy weather. By providing a practical and user-friendly solution, these stands help maintain a clean, safe, and welcoming environment for visitors and employees alike.


Wet umbrella bag dispensers and refill bags are products designed to provide a solution for a common problem: wet umbrellas dripping water in public spaces. The history of these dispensers and refill bags is relatively recent and can be traced back to the late 20th century.
The concept of wet umbrella bag dispensers originated in Japan in the 1990s. Japan is known for its rainy climate, and the issue of wet umbrellas causing slippery floors and potential hazards in public buildings became a concern. To address this problem, a company called Yamazaki Sangyo developed the first wet umbrella bag dispenser in 1993.
The original wet umbrella bag dispensers were simple machines consisting of a stand with a roll of plastic bags and a mechanism to tear off individual bags. Users would insert their wet umbrellas into the bag, tie it off, and dispose of it after use. These dispensers quickly gained popularity in Japan and were widely adopted in public places such as office buildings, shopping malls, and train stations.
The success of wet umbrella bag dispensers in Japan led to their introduction in other parts of the world. The concept spread to countries with similar rainy climates, such as South Korea and Taiwan. In the early 2000s, wet umbrella bag dispensers started to appear in Western countries as well, including the United States and various European nations.
Over time, wet umbrella bag dispensers evolved in design and functionality. Some models incorporated additional features like automatic bag dispensing and waste bag compartments for easy disposal. Various companies began manufacturing and distributing these dispensers to cater to the growing demand in different markets.
Refill bags for wet umbrella bag dispensers are an essential component of the system. These bags are typically made of thin, transparent plastic and come in rolls or packs. The bags are designed to be durable enough to hold wet umbrellas without tearing or leaking. They are often imprinted with instructions or warnings regarding their proper use.
The refill bags are inserted into the wet umbrella bag dispenser, allowing users to easily tear off individual bags when needed. As the bags are used, they can be replaced by inserting a new roll or pack of refill bags into the dispenser. This ensures a constant supply of bags for users to protect their wet umbrellas and prevent floors from getting wet.
In recent years, with the increasing focus on sustainability and reducing plastic waste, there has been a shift toward more eco-friendly alternatives. Some companies have introduced biodegradable or compostable wet umbrella bags made from materials like cornstarch or plant-based plastics. These environmentally friendly options aim to minimize the environmental impact associated with traditional plastic bags.
Overall, wet umbrella bag dispensers and refill bags have become a common sight in public spaces worldwide, providing a convenient and hygienic solution for managing wet umbrellas. From their origins in Japan to their global adoption, these products continue to play a role in keeping public areas clean and safe during rainy weather.